Save Time and Money with Document Automation

19th April 2017

By Neill Pemberton & Peter Davis

What it is, why you should use it, and why you should choose Panache Legal?

Drafting problems

Drafting documents is time-consuming. You may make mistakes in your drafting, change your mind on what you say, and your assistant can’t read your writing. You use documents from other deals and you accidentally leave in the wrong details. You cut and paste clauses from other documents, and the formatting goes awry.

Those mistakes should not happen. Clients don't care for them and they undermine the quality of your work. Why not minimise those mistakes, produce your documents quickly, and make more money with Document Automation?

What is Document Automation?

It is the rapid drafting of documents by answering questions. If done correctly, you can draft anything from a one-page letter to a whole suite of complicated documents, in a matter of minutes.

Why you should use Document Automation?

Document Automation work best with frequently-used documents. Have you ever made the same amendments to the same documents, over and over again? If you said yes, you need Document Automation.

Using Document Automation allows you to create documents:

  • more accurately;
  • faster; and
  • using less resource.

Your faster response leads to happier clients and you can enjoy higher profit margins.

Why should you use Panache Legal?

When you prepare a precedent document that you will use more than once, you have already done most of the work needed to automate the future production of your documents, assuming you use Panache Legal.

Consider this questionnaire, taken from a plot sale package within the Panache Legal platform. This plot sale package could contain an opening letter to the other side, a sales contract, a Land Registry transfer, a report for your client, and any number of additional documents.


When you input answers to the questions, that data is shared across all documents in that plot sale package, meaning you enter the data once in total, rather than once in each document. And if you want to make any amendments to the documents, you do so once and the Panache Legal platform takes care of the rest; recognising that single change in the data and ready to populate all of your documents with the correct information, instantly.

What's different about Panache Legal?

1. It's easy to use

Because existing Document Automation solutions often require expertise in that platform (whether that expertise is provided by external consultancy or internal IT support), the integration of your precedent documents into those solutions could take a matter of months or years.

We recognise that a decision to use a Document Automation platform is not made lightly and much time and consideration is given to the use of the best solution for your business. In the light of that, we see time spent integrating your precedents as lost time. We challenge the status quo, and we don't think the time gained on producing documents should be lost in the integration process.

So, we've made integration quick and easy. Simply drag and your drop precedents into the Panache Legal platform and it will automatically predict the questions you need. You don’t need to be a software engineer to use Panache Legal. You just highlight a field and select your parameters. We’ve taken care of the rest.

2. Batch creation of documents

With our own in-house experience we know there are clients and transactions that require the generation of multiple documents, all based on the same template, like plot sales and debt recovery services. Panache Legal has been designed to allow the batch creation of these documents via completion of a simple spreadsheet. Why not simplify this process further? Get your clients to complete those spreadsheets for you and allow them and Panache Legal to do the work with only minimal input from you.

3. It's accessible anytime, anywhere

Panache Legal is cloud-based. That means you can use our platform on any device. You don’t need an expensive server to host it, and you don’t wait for us to install and demonstrate it. That means two things. First, when you’re on the go and your client wants documents preparing immediately, you can do that from any device. Second, and perhaps more importantly, you make the savings immediately. Panache Legal is designed so you can use it straight away without a drawn out ‘lead-in’ period. Unlike with other providers where you may have several months of integration.

4. It's cost-effective

To change a template, you don’t need to consult IT or pay us. Those costs are intangible. You can make the changes you want quickly and easily. We won’t charge hidden costs. Our fees will be dependent on how many functions you need and what level of support you’d like to have.

Panache Legal provides more than just Document Automation. With other features like Time Recording and Business Intelligence and Analytics, you can avoid costly integrations with other solutions.

Using Panache Legal will allow you to add or subtract features and support to tailor the solution to your business needs.

5. We think you'll have happier clients

If you wanted to give your clients visibility, you can allow them to have controlled access to the Panache Legal platform. This brings many benefits. Consider the client who can input details of a new deal for you, meaning you can use the data already input by your client, without you needing to duplicate the entry of that information, and without you being at risk of making a mistake. Clients can also check the status of their matters, pre-empting the inevitable “where are we up to” questions.

6. Some hidden advantages

Unlike others, we don’t put data into documents. We create documents from data. What does that mean for you? Better matter reporting and searchable documents. Consider it a search engine of all your documents, letters and emails. Don’t waste time searching. Use Panache Legal.


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